Sunday, May 24, 2015

May 18-22, 2015

The wheels on the bus go round and round... All through the town. In 3 weeks, most of us will use different types of transportations to either go back to our hometowns or just go on holiday with our family and friends. We have just finished our second week of transportation unit. All the kids, not only the boys, really enjoy this unit. Their interest in things that go, has made this unit study fun as well as educative.

Last Monday we started our week by playing transportation memory game. Taking turns, the kids flipped the cards to find a pair of the same pictures. A couple of them understood that this is a strategy game and it will be beneficial to keep some information for themselves, but for some others keeping the spirit of sharing is just more important by telling their friends where the matching cards were. LOL. After that, using their math skills, they counted how many pairs of cards they got.

Sink or float? The kids started out by reviewing the list of things that we are going to use in our experiment. They made some predictions on things that would sink or float when we drop them into the water. In the prediction column, they wrote letter S for objects that would sink into the water and letter F for things that would float. After that, one by one, they picked two things from the basket and dropped them into the water. They got excited when they found out that they made correct prediction. The day after, they practiced their prediction skills again using Sink or Float app. On Thursday, using the objects that they brought from home, the kids took turns doing the experiment.

Look at those road builders. We started by placing the roundabout in the middle of the table. After that, the kids discussed and worked together to put all parts of the roads. Once the roads were ready, this activity center became a hit. A basket of colorful wooden blocks and a basket of toy cars completed this activity center for the kids to play with. Of course all the kids wanted to have turns to play here, but they know that they are allowed to play here if they have finished all of their assigned tasks. This center sill stay in our classroom till the end of the school year.

'Who wants to make paper boat?' All kids raised their hands enthusiastically. Patiently, Ms. Idah taught them how to fold the paper and turn them into paper boats. On Friday, right after lunch time, we went to ECC playground to sail our boats. The kids tried different ways to keep their boats moving. Some of them learned that if they push their boats too hard into the water, the water will go inside the boats and the boats will sink into the water. 

We love cookies, yes we do. We love cooking, yes we do. Working together, the kids went through all the process in making the chocolate cookies. They measured all the dry and wet ingredients, added and mixed them, then finally rolled and cut them using car shaped cookie cutter. When the baking sheets went into the oven, for just a few minutes, the smell of fresh chocolate cookies went around the ECC building. Hmmmm... And the taste was just as good as the smell. There were 10 cookies in each bag that the kids brought home. Hopefully they didn't finish them all on the way home :)

'How do you go to school?' Answering that question, the kids were given 5 choices which were on foot, by bike, by motorbike, by car and by school bus. Taking turns, they wrote their names on the chart. From 12 people in our class, there are 1 person goes to school on foot, nobody goes to school by bike, 2 people go to school by motorbike, 5 people go to school by car and 4 people go to school by school bus. The kids' tenacities were challenged when they had to copy all the names written on the chart to their worksheets. Some of them made it all the way through and some gave up in the middle of their efforts.

Busy... Busy... Busy... Yes, we are always busy. There's nothing more enjoyable than hearing the kids asking what they should do next right after finishing one activity.

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