Saturday, April 11, 2015

April 6-10, 2015

Welcome back! It was great hearing all the Spring break adventure stories from the kids. We are only 10 weeks away from the end of the school. Be prepared with a lot of class activities and events that will happen during those 10 weeks of learning.

Look at our red barns!

My cow has four spots, yours?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 spots for the cow.

It's milking time!

We will take all the animals back to the barn

Getting muddy with the pig

Which one comes first, egg or chicken?

It's a big yolk

Tomatoes for the omelette

Keep stirring


Omph... Yum... Chew... Chew...

Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O...

We started our animal unit by discussing animals that we usually meet on the farm. Our resident little farmers were so busy this week. They had some serious discussion on living and non-living things which was followed by our regular Ridge walk to spot some living and non-living things, built some red barns using popsicle sticks, milked the cows,  got muddy with the pigs, discussed chicken lifecycle and parts of the eggs, counted how many spots the cows have, prepare their own delicious eggs and did other different activities. It was a busy week at Pre-K 3 farm.

Mrs. Alex Shnitko came to our class sharing her family experience visiting the zoo. The kids were so excited looking at the pictures of the animals and shared their own zoo visit experiences. Who doesn't love animals? Thank you for sharing.

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